Audio Actualization…
… is one of the primary treatment methods we use at Kirschner Computing. It works like this: all of our mental activity can be understood as the firing of electrical signals in the brain. A change in these brainwaves corresponds with changes in our thoughts, feelings, and actions— whether negative or positive, gloomy or grinning. With recent innovations in neuroimaging technology and Kirschner Computing’s proprietary research we have been able to pinpoint our patients’ disorders in the brain as they manifest through electrical activity. These brainwave signals are then translated into sound, in a process we call Audio Actualization. By translating these brain signals, the psychic roots of our pain, frustration, and sadness, into sound, we provide our patients with feedback that makes tangible how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, and how they’re doing. By listening to these signals and paying close attention to how these sounds manifest as negative behaviors, thoughts, or feelings, patients are able to modulate these brain signals, transforming and easing their disorders and thus providing a natural, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical remedy to any and all psychic troubles.